Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Ice Cream with Satan

We had the best Sunday School lesson last week. We are reading the hard Isaiah chapters in 2 Nephi. Our teacher took us to 2Nephi 24:16 (Also found in Isaiah 14) where it talks about what it's going to be like for Satan when he is once and for all cast down, never to be able to tempt us again. I love the imagery that Isaiah uses, that everyone will be looking at him "narrowly" and thinking -- is that all you are? You little pathetic little thing, you caused all that havoc on earth, and now here you are as "a carcass trodden under feet." So last night, as we were putting the girls to bed, we were talking about it, and saying that we really have the power to choose the direction our lives take. I told them that Satan will lie to them and tell them that some things will make them happy, or be fun. My tiniest jumped in with this big bold voice and said "Yeah, like Satan will say 'come to my house and have ice-cream!' so we'll go, and . . . . . . no ice-cream! He lied!!" We totally laughed so hard. I hope they always remember that with Satan, no ice-cream party there.

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