Friday, November 20, 2009

sweet success

I saw them, I loved them. They didn't have my size, they didn't have seal brown. They had seal brown, they didn't have my size. They had my size!!!! in black. I obsessed, I obsessed, I obsessed. I am so gooooood at obsessing! ......It only took two hours of my life, but eventually I conquered! They will arrive in 3-5 working days. A 6.5 in seal brown.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Tons of money raised!!!

So, on Friday, over &10,000 got raised. That's awesome huh?

Friday, November 13, 2009

What to Buy for Christmas?

I love people that think outside of themselves. I LOVE this blog. I don't know these people, but I want to be more like them. Anyhow, I came across this today on her blog, and I was really impressed with what I read about this awesome charity.
Every year 4500 women will bury their children because of unclean drinking water.
Lack of clean water is the leading cause of death in undeveloped countries.
It doesn't need to be that way. With a tax deductible donation (100% of which will go to providing clean drinking water to villages in developing countries) many more people will be able to kiss on their babies for many more years to come.
Join us in giving life to those who need it so badly.