I've decided to keep a list of things that I hope to accomplish in my life. I know my list will change regularly, but I stand more of a chance of actually accomplishing something, if it's written down, and acknowledged from time to time. I'm full blown stealing this from a really great blog I happened across tonight. I love creative people, I want to be a creative person. So far, I'm really good at copying ideas, and I can do it well. Someday, I want someone to copy one of my original ideas. So here goes, before I die, I would love to:
-travel to Manchu Picchu
-own a really great apartment in Europe
-really know the Bible
-publish a book ( I don't know about what though)
-learn another language
-serve another mission for my church
-understand the stock market
-have a piece in the April Salon
-earn enough money to surprise my boy with something really cool (that he doesn't buy with his bonus before I can actually give him the one that I bought)
-totally understand how to use a computer