I have debated over posting these photos, because I'm such a BABE in them, but there you go. It was yard day, and I honestly did not think I would be photographed, so I didn't bother taking my hair out of ponies. So, I'm a huge Survivor fan, and the winner from Survivor China just happens to live here in my thriving metropolis. So, he invited four of the other survivors from Survivor China, to come to our city for "Corporate Survivor". All of these people in my city signed up, got put on tribes, and had competitions, and in the end someone was crowned soul survivor. So, being the huge nerd that I am, I went to the first challenge. I was totally thinking I'd have to park a mile away, hike in, show up an hour early and on and on. Not so, it turns out that I'm one of the only survivor fans here, because when I got there, no one else was there. The 5 Survivors were sitting there, by themselves, no one bugging them, nothing. I was so star struck, all I could do was stare. This is seriously killing what little bit of pride I have to admit this, but I was dying. I didn't dare go talk to them, and my girls wouldn't go with me even though I begged, bribed, anything. So, after a lot of staring, (and I'm sure they were creeped out because I was just staring with my massive, goofy grin), we went home. Well, my fabulous neighbor offered to go play paparazzi for me if we went back, and she would talk to them with me. So, we went back, and got to talk to my personal favorite of them all, Courtney, for like 10 minutes. It was so fun to ask all of my "I've always wondered" questions. It was such a fun experience, and as you can tell by my gargantuan cheeser, I was a little bit more than just a bit excited. I loved it.